ad⋅dic⋅tion [uh-dik-shuhn]
the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
I recently realized that I have a slight addiction. There is no cure. No 12 step program and no rehab getaway. There is virtually nothing that can be done. I will admit that it's nothing as sever as Agent Mulder and his recent addiction or even Lindsey Lohan and one of her many addictions. But the first step in recovery is always admitting you have a problem.
I realized while cleaning out my purse, a dangerous task to do, that I have more chapstick then the average person. I started pulling them out and placing them on the table at the International House of Pancakes. One... Vaseline. Two...Soft Lips. Three...Burts Bees Medicated. Four...Aveeno. Five...Blistex Lip Medex. Six...Soft Lips (yes- again). Seven... Burts Bees Original. Eight...Arbone Sheer Shine. Looking down at the mess I have made while waiting for my pancakes I become slightly embarrassed.
Honestly- who could be this obsessed with chapstick that almost every time they are at Target they pick up a new brand? My lip prints are barely even on any of them! You can hardly tell how many times I have swirled my fingers in the Vaseline or Blistexs. My boyfriend sitting across the table from me was shocked and quickly swipes a soft lips. At least that's one less to worry about.
I find comfort in my chapsticks. Whenever I get nervous I pull one out and put some on. If I happen to not have my purse on me my lips start to dry up almost immediately. If I am digging in my purse most likely I am looking for the perfect lip moisturizer. Needless to say- if you have chapped lips, swing by my way. I'm sure I will have something that you need. As far as curing this addiction- I'm not too worried.
i wonder why you haven't been blogging for years. remember how you used to say that you wished you could write? you obviously can, because this was so great! i love these! keep writing!!
ReplyDeleteI just saw this post.. I wonder why Blogspot doesnt tell you when you have a sweet little comment!
ReplyDeleteThanks- Your writting is just so magnificent. But I do enjoy it!
You have to go into your settings and you can update your profile so blogspot WILL email you when you have a comment.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kristin! I changed that feature!!
ReplyDeleteI think we can all relate to this! I have a girlfriend who is addicted to lip gloss...she practically eats if off her lips just so she can apply more! Im more of a chap stick girl myself...i have 7 laying at the bottom of my purse!