Monday, February 16, 2009


ad⋅dic⋅tion  [uh-dik-shuhn]

the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

I recently realized that I have a slight addiction. There is no cure. No 12 step program and no rehab getaway. There is virtually nothing that can be done. I will admit that it's nothing as sever as Agent Mulder and his recent addiction or even Lindsey Lohan and one of her many addictions. But the first step in recovery is always admitting you have a problem.

I realized while cleaning out my purse, a dangerous task to do, that I have more chapstick then the average person. I started pulling them out and placing them on the table at the International House of Pancakes. One... Vaseline. Two...Soft Lips. Three...Burts Bees Medicated. Four...Aveeno. Five...Blistex Lip Medex. Six...Soft Lips (yes- again). Seven... Burts Bees Original. Eight...Arbone Sheer Shine. Looking down at the mess I have made while waiting for my pancakes I become slightly embarrassed.

Honestly- who could be this obsessed with chapstick that almost every time they are at Target they pick up a new brand? My lip prints are barely even on any of them! You can hardly tell how many times I have swirled my fingers in the Vaseline or Blistexs. My boyfriend sitting across the table from me was shocked and quickly swipes a soft lips. At least that's one less to worry about.

I find comfort in my chapsticks. Whenever I get nervous I pull one out and put some on. If I happen to not have my purse on me my lips start to dry up almost immediately. If I am digging in my purse most likely I am looking for the perfect lip moisturizer. Needless to say- if you have chapped lips, swing by my way. I'm sure I will have something that you need. As far as curing this addiction- I'm not too worried.

Monday, February 9, 2009

T.W.E.N.T.Y 5

If you know anything about me you know that I don't do surveys or questionnaires, and I don't post bulletins. This blog is my first step of conformity.

25. I had a dream about doing this survey which is probably why I am doing it.

24. I know everyone says that they have the best friends in the world. But I really have the best friends in the world. I don't see or talk to them nearly enough but I miss them and love them all.

23. I secretly hate that all of the music that I have been listening to for years is now popular and "every ones" favourite song.

22. I try to spell favorite like favourite, color like colour, and honor like honour. I would say mobile instead of cell phone and ring instead of call but those just make me sound pretentious.

21. I can eat sunflower seeds like a boy.

20. My tops to bottoms ratio is very off. There is just something in me that will always buy denim over tops. I guess its because in my mind all of my jeans look great with a hanes V neck and scarf. Its really the shoes and jeans that make all the difference

19. I am a denim SNOB. Its gotten even worse. Ksubi and 575 is all I like.. Nothing else fits me. Or so I think...

18. My boyfriends sister has taught be to keep all of my shoes in boxes. It just looks cooler in your closet.

17. I am probably that one girl in the world who actually doesn't care that much about Valentines day.

16. The above is not saying I don't love flowers because I do. Purple roses and sunflowers please.

15. I hate moving. There has not been a year in the last 5 years and I have not moved. Multiple times.

14. I like tea more than I like coffee. Ice tea from Coffee Bean and hot tea from Starbucks. If it has ball ice it makes it even better.

13. I have two dogs who I love very much.

12. Spin and Yoga are the only types of physical activity I will do without a personal trainer.

11. I know a lot of people that are either getting married or having babies and it really doesn't make me want either.

10. I always walk out of Target spending more money than I wanted to.

9. I will eat cabbage salad above anything else I make

8. I miss playing quinn with libby

7. I love rain but only if its a lazy Saturday.

6. I have never dyed my hair.

5. I have beautiful friends who write beautiful blogs

4. I have been stopped a few times on the streets to be photographed for my style. I'm not bragging. I am generally embarrassed but secretly love it. I feel like its training me to be photographed for the Sartorialist. (Sorry Lib- I'm not copying you- Its just also one of my goals)

3. I read post secret every week. I used to have a notebook full of secrets I would one day make and send in. I have yet to do it.

2. If you ask me where I want to go to eat I will say Sushi.

1. I didn't want to put this on facebook because too many people would see that I did it. :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Biggest Fear

I have always had a fear of people knowing my thoughts. That might be the reason I have never had a blog. Now I have one- Lets see where this takes me.