Wednesday, June 3, 2009

(And the questions that can't be answered)

Everyone changes at some point in their life. Some mature an evolve into something great. Others almost retract and morph into someone that is almost unrecognizable. What happens when you realize that the person that you love is no longer the person you fell in love with? Are you under some kind of obligation to love this new person who you are unfamiliar with? What was the reason for the change? For many its the people around them. Who are you surrounding yourself with that you would change your views just to be accepted by those people. Sometimes its not even something that you would know you are doing.

I was once in love with a boy. This boy had all the qualities I desired. A deep passion for those around him- his family and his friends. Such high standards that I felt a sense of accomplishment because I met those standards. Perfection obviously can't last for forever. Slowly this person changed, transformed, and morphed into someone I now realize that I don't know anymore. Was it just maturing and growing up into the person he was meant to be? Those standards that were so high are non-existent. Everything that I loved. Everything that I respected in this person is no longer present in his life.

Stop holding on to past loves. They will never be that person that you hold so highly in your mind. Let it go.

What happens when you just flat out fall out of love with someone? What happens when the person you promise to spend your life with no longer fills that role in your life? Do you stop trying to make things work?

There are so many uncertain situations in life what is worth it and what is not. Is it even possible to recover from a broken heart? Or do you just pick up the pieces and wait for someone else to toss them on the ground.

Can you ever fully love someone unconditionally

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